LORD, there is no one like you, and there is no God besides you, as all we have heard confirms.
—1 Chronicles 17:20
Attributes of God Women's Reading Guide (DIGITAL)
$ 26.00
What is God like? This is a foundational question that we ask not only when we are learning about God for the first time, but one that follows us throughout our relationship with Him. God has shown us who He is throughout Scripture, both in His statements about Himself and in the way He interacts with His creation. When we study God’s attributes, we gain specific handholds so that we can worship Him in deeper, truer ways. Join us for a two-week reading plan to study ten of God’s attributes, rooting our trust, reverence, and awe in who God is.
14 Days (2 Weeks) of Curated Scripture Readings
- An Introduction to Studying the Attributes of God
- Definitions for the Attributes Explored in This Reading Plan
- A Look at a Creed Discussing the Trinity
- Suggestions for Further Reading
- Guided Questions to Prepare for and Reflect on Your Reading
PDF Format*, 80 Pages
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