Yours, LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the splendor and the majesty, for everything in the heavens and on earth belongs to you. Yours, LORD, is the kingdom, and you are exalted as head over all. Riches and honor come from you, and you are the ruler of everything. Power and might are in your hand, and it is in your hand to make great and to give strength to all. Now therefore, our God, we give you thanks and praise your glorious name.—1 Chronicles 29:11–13

1 & 2 Chronicles (Lent 2023) Men's Reading Guide
$ 5.00
The season of Lent is a time to prepare our hearts to let the fullness of Easter take hold of us. The books of 1 & 2 Chronicles model this rhythm of reflection, looking back to the beginnings of God’s people and the highs and lows of their faithfulness and disobedience. These historical books ground God’s people in what has always been true of God and what is true of His people, calling them to center their lives on the worship of the God who reigns above every dynasty and whose kingdom will outlast every worldly power.
Join us in this seven-week Lenten study as we journey through the history of God’s people in 1 & 2 Chronicles, rejoicing in the faithfulness of a God who keeps His promises to a wayward people from generation to generation. Through reading these books of Old Testament history, followed by Holy Week readings, we make our way to the cross and the empty tomb with a renewed sense of our risen King.
49 Days (7 Weeks) of Curated Scripture Readings
- An Introduction to the Season of Lent
- An Overview of Studying Chronicles in Light of the Lenten Season
- Introductions for Each Section of the Reading Plan
- An Exploration of the Different Terms Used for the Israelite People
- An Illustration and Exploration of Solomon's Temple
- A Look at Christ's Role as Prophet, Priest, and King
- Two Favorite Hymns
- Three Moments of Response
6.5x9", Perfect Bound, 264 Pages
What’s in a Reading Guide?
Curated Daily Scripture Readings
Daily Reading Guides present either an entire book of the Bible or a topic selected from Scripture in the form of daily readings. Designed for a Monday start, each Reading Guide includes Scripture printed in the book with both a main passage and selected complementary passages curated to explore the themes found in the day's main text.
Design on Purpose
Each resource is thoughtfully and artfully designed to highlight the beauty, goodness, and truth of Scripture in a way that reflects the themes of each curated reading plan.
Informative Extras
Plan-specific resources, like introductions, biblical overviews, maps, timelines, and more are included to come alongside your time in God’s Word.
Note-taking Space
Space is provided alongside the printed Scripture for your thoughts and reflections.
Response Elements
Worksheets, daily or weekly questions, and other interactive prompts that are unique to each reading plan help you engage with and respond to what you’re reading.
Grace Days
One day a week is set aside for you to rest, reflect, and catch up on your reading.
Weekly Scripture Memorization
Each plan includes a thematic verse or passage for memorization, broken down for you week by week, along with tips for memorizing Scripture.