After centuries of conquest and struggle, King David united the twelve tribes of Israel into a single kingdom and led them into a golden era as a nation. The narrative of 1 and 2 Kings recounts what happened over the next four hundred years: from the prosperity of Solomon's reign, to civil war and exile, from the construction of the temple to the worship of other gods. Along the way, wicked kings led Israel and Judah further away from the Lord, while God's prophets called them back to the truth.
These Old Testament books are filled with political intrigue, fierce conflict, epic victories, bold prophets, and corrupt leaders. Through it all, 1 and 2 Kings point to this resounding truth—our God reigns. A greater King and kingdom are coming. Join us as we spend four weeks reading together about the God who keeps His promises in and through all circumstances.
28 Days (4 Weeks) of Curated Scripture Readings
- Introductions and Outlines for the Books of 1 & 2 Kings
- An Illustration of Solomon’s Temple, a Timeline of the Prophets and Kings of Israel and Judah, and an Overview of the Nations Neighboring Israel and Judah
- Space on Each Day for Personal Reflection and Notes
6.5x9", Perfect Bound, 208 Pages